Highlights from the Corridor
Interested in what happens on the day to day in the Corridor? Here we share photos, videos and stories of fascinating encounters and current restoration works. Get a snapshot into what it is like for the Trust team working on ground and the different projects taking place.
The Planted Woodland
The “Planted Woodland” is a 15 hectare plot of eucalypts on a ridge above the Murrumbidgee River. It was planted in the 1980s and the trees are now well established, but it lacks mid-storey and structural habitat elements for small birds, reptiles and other animals. In an effort to help create ecosystem structure, the Trust partnered with Landcare ACT, Meridian and ACT NRM with the help of ACT Parks and ACT Rural Fire Service to deliver a planting event where more than 50 volunteers helped plant local shrub and grass species.
Due to our grazing regimes, we needed to come up with a way to protect these plants so they could establish and grow without being disturbed by cattle, deer, kangaroos and other herbivores, so we blocked off small plots in the woodland using temporary fences. There are 36 of these fenced areas in total, and they have been positioned strategically to try and help create clumps of vegetation without posing a fire risk. The Trust aims to continue this restoration work by having more planting sessions and conducting regular maintenance. It is our hope that in 10 years time, the Planted Woodland will have many thriving and established plants that help contribute to the unique woodland habitat.
Tyson spotted this guy wandering the banks of the Murrumbidgee River before he took off and swam across to a little island.
Red-bellied black snake flying down into a creek bed.
Tyson got this video of a red-bellied black snake looking for lunch on the bottom of a creek bed. He was under water for over a minute!
Saru took a video of a Swamp Wallaby having a scratch.
Wedge-tailed Eagle taking off in flight.
Bridie captured a video of a Platypus in the Murrumbidgee River during Platypus monitoring.
Kye and a friendly Echidna on the Murrumbidgee River.
Wombats on the run! Tyson captured this on the Molonglo River.
Views of the Corridor in the early morning.